Not too long ago, I was checking my email and decided to start clearing out my spam folder. The first subject line which popped out at me was the following:
Give a total monarchy to your pants member
Hmmm. ok... Is this spammer trying to sell my inseam a new form of government or something?
Now on to two related subject lines...
Much larger amounts of aspirin than are usually recommended adoptive
Sniff doctor may want you to reduce gradually the amount you are taking
Unsolicited medical adoption advice is always needed. Yeah, needed to be sent to /dev/null
Be more protected; take your life jacket here.
Aye, Aye, Cap'n. While we are at it, can I tell you where to put that life jacket?
Next, a more complete spam for your entertainment...
subject: Boost your ego with herbal solution
text: With greater size comes greater powers
Yeah, and with great power comes great responsibility... Thanks Toby.
Oh well. At least my spam box is now clean. I think I'll go back to my regular non-normal hobbies.